Crime, Corruption, and Coverup

Stacy Wray
9 min readJun 29, 2022

When will it ever end?

It’s hard not to be sickened and intrigued by the Epstein/Maxwell saga. Sickened for obvious reasons and intrigued because…well, God knows how many elite, wealthy, and powerful people have gotten away with unbelievable crimes.

Why in the hell is everyone okay with this?

I cannot be the only one this doesn’t sit well with. It infuriates me that men are getting away with sex crimes that involve underage girls, although sex crimes of any kind are horrifying. Powerful men. Men who think they are untouchable by the laws that were put into place which govern the sick world we live in. But those laws don’t pertain to them — they have clout. They have people high up in the ranks protecting them. And isn’t it astonishing that the only person doing time is a woman?

All that needs to happen is for one domino to fall and the rest will tumble.

In my digging, I came upon an article from Mother Jones, a publication/political magazine written by Leland Nally. It’s a fascinating read about how he obtained the big black book that Maxwell and Epstein kept, cataloging a couple of thousand people who they dealt with over the years (someone leaked it onto the Internet and he was lucky enough to scoop it up) I can’t believe the amount of information in this article. This guy called every…



Stacy Wray

I write about anything that lights a fire under my ass. #lgbtq #genderequality #socialinjustice #deconditioning #lightseeker